Dupuytren's Contracture
Hand Conditions
Wrist Conditions
Elbow Conditions
What is it?
Dupuytren’s contracture (also called Dupuytren’s disease) is a condition in which one or more fingers become permanently bent in a flexed position. It is more common in males and in those with affected family members.
What are the symptoms?
Dupuytren’s contracture starts with nodules and pits developing in the palm. Over time, the nodules join together to form a thick cord. This causes the finger or thumb to gradually curl inwards, preventing them from being straightened.
When the contracture is advanced, it causes problems with performing daily activities, washing, putting on gloves, putting hands in pockets, or even shaking people’s hands.
what is the treatment?
There is no cure for Dupuytren’s contracture, but this condition can take many years to develop. Surgery is reserved for those who can no longer put their hands flat on a table.
Surgical options include needle fasciotomy – using a needle to cut the Dupuytren’s cord in those with early disease. For advanced disease, a full operation is required to surgically remove the thickened cord to allow the finger to straighten again.
Following surgery, our specialist hand therapist will make a custom-moulded thermoplastic splint for you to wear at night for up to 3 months. We will also ensure you carry out regular guided exercises to ensure you regain the mobility and dexterity of your fingers.
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