Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some frequently asked questions by patients of Birmingham Arm Clinic. If you have any further queries, please get in contact and we will make sure we get back to you promptly.
Where and when can I be seen?
The Birmingham Arm Clinics holds regular clinics at Spire Parkway Hospital, Spire Little Aston Hospital, and The Westbourne Centre. Appointments are usually available within a week of request.
Simply contact us for more details or to arrange an appointment.
Do I need a referral letter?
We don’t require a referral letter if you are self-funding your treatment.
If you have private medical insurance, the majority of insurance providers will require a GP or physiotherapy referral before authorising your consultation, investigation or any treatment.
What do I need to bring to my appointment?
Please bring your referral letter if you have one, although this is not essential.
If you have medical insurance, please bring your policy number and authorisation code.
Please also bring any information of previous tests, scans or treatments. It would also be helpful to bring with you a list of your regular medications.
What happens if I need tests or scans?
If you are insured, please check with your insurance provider if tests or scans are covered with your policy.
Nerve studies, X-ray, Ultrasound, CT and MRI are occasionally required to confirm your diagnosis.
If you are self-funding, the hospital will confirm the cost in advance of any tests.
Occasionally, tests may not be available on the same day, and a follow-up appointment may be needed to discuss the results.
Will I receive treatment the same day?
Mr Wu may offer treatments for certain conditions on the same day e.g. Injections. These will be discussed with you through a detailed informed process.

Do you offer remote consultations?
Yes, we offer both video consultations and telephone consultations. This can be for both initial consultations as well as for follow-up clinic appointments. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss having a remote consultation.
Do you offer injection treatments?
Steroid, otherwise known as cortisone, injections are frequently used to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and improve movement.
They are usually performed in clinic, and their effects can last from several weeks to many months.
Immediately after a steroid injection, it is normal to feel slight numbness for a few hours. It is also normal to feel ‘bruised’ or an ache for 24-48 hours after an injection.
The effect of the steroid generally starts after 3-7 days, when the pain killing effect begins to become effective.
How is surgery organised?
Should you require an operation, a convenient time will be organised based on the nature of the operation, the necessary rehab and the recovery time.
Operations all have a code that your insurance provider will need before surgery for authorisation.
What happens after surgery?
Most surgery is day-case, meaning patients can go home the same day.
The bulky dressing can be removed after 48 hours, but we ask you to leave the small dressing over the wound until your dressing clinic appointment.
A dressing clinic will be arrange 2 weeks after your surgery. This is to check your wound and to remove any sutures.
A hand therapy appointment will be arranged within 2 weeks of your surgery to maintain flexibility in your arms and fingers.
Further follow-up appointments will be scheduled with Mr Wu between 6-8 weeks following your operation.
When can I start driving after surgery?
You can start driving once your wound is fully healed, any sutures have been removed, and your arm is comfortable and without pain.
What are the payment methods you accept?
If you are insured, payment will be collected directly from your insurer.
If there is an excess to your policy, or if you are self funding your treatment, payment can be made by credit/debit card, cheque or BACs transfer.
For any further questions you may have, please get in contact with us to see if we can help
Fully Accredited Expert
Receive thorough and comprehensive treatment from a fully accredited Consultant Hand, Wrist and Upper Extremities Specialist.
Up-to-date care
Mr Wu utilises the latest medical and surgical innovations to offer you the most up-to-date care available.
Professional Recognition
Mr Wu is a member of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand, British Elbow and Shoulder Society and Royal College of Surgeons.